Current Location:
nashville, Tennessee

Week One in cope
January 19, 2019
Move In Day:
More of a move-in night after getting into Copenhagen around 7 PM because of a flight delay, but I still made it to my dorm after a stupid expensive taxi. woohoo!
My RC had a different set up with 5 floors each having a suite-style room of 6 people. Each suite has 3 double rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. I think most RC's are pretty typical of dorms at universities with tons of rooms along a hallway, but I really liked this suite-style set up since this was actually super similar to my dorm at Vandy last semester. When I arrived, I had my DIS id, room key, transportation pass, grocery card, and phone plan options all laying out in my room of the suite. My room turned out to be way smaller than expected, but the suite as a whole was a 100x nicer than some of the dorms I've lived in. And after some re-arranging , it looks a lot home-ier now.

Getting Adjusted:
Sooo there are lots of things to adjust to this first week in Copenhagen. The weather, transportation systems, and living habits all took some getting used to. Before I got here, I thought it was going to be below freezing, but its really not too bad! It hangs around 30-40 ℉, but the rain and snow is different than the weather I'm used to at home in Texas and Tennessee. I learned to use the bus, metro, and bike lanes since I've been here, and I haven't been too lost thanks to City Mapper and Google Maps. I've been able to get to DIS, visit other dorms, and IKEA all using my bike or the public transportation systems. I think learning to cook most of my meals at home and living further away from my classes will be the hardest things to adjust to, but its only been a few days and so far so good!
Starting Classes:
Monday we had an opening ceremony at the Wallmans Circus Building near DIS for everyone in the program and it was my first time getting to explore the city. We got out books, found classrooms, and I picked up my bike (that I barely got back to my RC since I can barely ride one).
Wednesday we had orientation for our core courses and mine was pretty basic where I met the Architecture & Design Program directors and assistants. I'm very excited to take a studio class here for the first time and explore the city with my classes.
Thursday we started our first day of classes and it was nice to get into a school routine and find all of the DIS buildings. The classroom numbering system is pretty confusing, but the first part (ie. V7) is the building then the last part (ie. B12) is the staircase letter, floor, then room. The street images of the buildings in front of the DIS student building was helpful in case you get lost on the first day. All of the professors seem really into teaching their courses since they are all actual professionals in their fields, so I think this semester will be fun.

UPcoming Events!
This weekend we are getting our visas, so we can officially be in Europe for the whole semester. After getting my visa, I plan on visiting one of my friends at his homestay. He lives close to the Louisiana Modern Museum of Art, so I can add my first museum to the museum map! Then on Sunday, me and some friends are headed to Malmö, Sweden for a fun day trip for our first travel trip of the semester!